
summer snow Learn more about summer snow

  • The cultivation method of June snow maintenance and management of June snow bonsai

    The cultivation method of June snow maintenance and management of June snow bonsai

    The cultivation method of June snow maintenance and management of June snow bonsai

  • Summer snow mango-like summer snow, rare and rare

    Summer snow mango-like summer snow, rare and rare

    Summer snow mango-like summer snow, rare and rare

  • Pictures of June snow in Phnom Penh how to cultivate June snow in Phnom Penh

    Pictures of June snow in Phnom Penh how to cultivate June snow in Phnom Penh

    June snow in Phnom Penh, the name is very literary and artistic. June snow in Phnom Penh is a cultivated variety of Rubiaceae. It is originally from the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. Like the sun, but also more shade-tolerant, more cold-resistant, strong drought tolerance, lax requirements on the soil, growing well in fertile, moist acid soil. June snow in Phnom Penh is usually propagated by cuttings.

  • How to maintain the snow bonsai in June?

    How to maintain the snow bonsai in June?

    June snow in the southern region in the spring and autumn as the growth period, the temperature is too high or too low stagnant growth. It likes warm and semi-humid environment, is not cold-resistant, and is suitable for the growth of fertile and neutral sandy soil. Pond soil and vegetable garden soil can be mixed with a small amount of fine sand, dried cow dung and bone meal, all of which can be used as culture.

  • New mango varieties: Taiwan summer snow mango characteristics, Taiwan summer snow mango sweetness content

    New mango varieties: Taiwan summer snow mango characteristics, Taiwan summer snow mango sweetness content

    The yellow fruit of summer snow peel is larger, which is obviously different from the common Ai Wen mango on the market. Kaohsiung Agricultural improvement Farm Research and Development of a new variety of mango "Xiaxue", not only has a strong flavor, but also has the flavor of Taiwan mango, the storage time is relatively long, and it is highly competitive for export.

    2019-05-31 Mango new variety Taiwan summer snow characteristics sweetness content how much
  • How to raise snow bonsai in June?

    How to raise snow bonsai in June?

    June snow (Latin name: Serissajaponica (Thunb.) Thunb.), Rubiaceae evergreen shrub, up to 90 cm tall, smelly. Like light shade, afraid of the sun

  • Species of snow bonsai in June

    Species of snow bonsai in June

    Because the branches of June snow are very soft and tough, it can withstand flat binding, so the bonsai style is generally divided into straight dry type, Qiu qu type, cliff type and so on. But if the basin is relatively high, it can be cultivated into a cliff type. According to the different inclination, the cliff type can be divided into semi-suspension, full suspension and small suspension.

  • Matters needing attention in Snow Culture in June

    Matters needing attention in Snow Culture in June

    High temperature in summer, pay attention to watering frequently, and sprinkle the leaves with clear water, and pay attention to appropriate shade, can not be placed in direct sunlight. Pruning because the branches of June snow are soft and easy to tie. Therefore, the tillers germinating at the roots must be trimmed in time in order to keep the tree graceful and improve its appreciation value.

  • June snow bonsai how to raise, June snow breeding methods and precautions / water can not be much

    June snow bonsai how to raise, June snow breeding methods and precautions / water can not be much

    June snow, many flower lovers should be no stranger, it is the most popular bonsai tree, very popular at home and abroad. In life, many novices will buy June snow bonsai from the flower market, but they don't know how to keep it. In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the breeding methods and matters needing attention of June snow, which is very comprehensive.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of snow in June

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of snow in June

    June snow, the name, sounds very sad. Ha ha. Is it possible that the painting is white, with fine white flowers in June, the smallest tree and sparse branches and leaves? Like light shade, afraid of the sun, there are many under the leaves and trees in the mountains. Spring planting, or Huangmei rain cutting, it is appropriate to pour shallow tea. The temperature is not strict, and it is evergreen in South China.

  • Pictures and production methods of snow bonsai in June

    Pictures and production methods of snow bonsai in June

    Pictures and production methods of snow bonsai in June

  • The culture method of snow drop flower

    The culture method of snow drop flower

    1. Light snow flowers do not require high light, in spring, autumn and winter, we should often let the sun shine directly, and the high temperature in summer needs a small amount of shade to facilitate plant growth. two。 Temperature snow drop flower growth suitable temperature is 15-28 ℃, more cold-resistant, but not heat-resistant, summer should pay attention to cooling

  • How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

    How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

    1. The initial care is the peak growth period of Snow White from March to August every year, so it is necessary to water more and keep it moist. Water should be sprinkled frequently when dry in summer to increase air humidity. And during the growing season, Snow White also needs to fertilize water, once every two weeks. two。 Rizhao Snow White likes bright places and keeps them airy.

  • What is the reason why the snow leaves turn yellow in June

    What is the reason why the snow leaves turn yellow in June

    There are many reasons for the yellowing of snow leaves in June, and the situation of each flower friend is also different, so this article tries to be comprehensive, so that flower friends can refer more, learn more, and observe more of their own actual situation of June snow, and then take the best solution.

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests in June snow? How to carry out prevention and control?

    What are the common diseases and insect pests in June snow? How to carry out prevention and control?

    The main results are as follows: (1) the disease is caused by Pythium and ultimate Pythium in fungi. it is a seedling disease which seriously threatens the growth of snow in June. Waterlogged disease spots began to appear at the base of the stem of the injured seedlings, then turned brown and sunken and atrophied, and then the diseased part quickly revolved around the stem, making the seedlings quenched. Finally, the diseased seedlings rotted and withered.

  • A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

    A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

    If June snow is raised well, it is very beautiful after flowering. Some friends want to breed June snow on their own after raising June snow. In fact, June snow, which is not difficult to cultivate, is not very difficult to breed. Generally speaking, the propagation methods of June snow can be divided into two methods: cutting and ramet.

  • Watering method of snow bonsai in June

    Watering method of snow bonsai in June

    June snow is an evergreen or semi-evergreen tufted shrub, which will have deciduous leaves in winter, but the degree of defoliation varies according to the environment and climate. The common cultivated varieties are Phnom Penh snow with yellow leaves, June snow with white markings on leaves, and double June snow with double white flowers.

  • The breeding method of June snow is easy to raise and beautiful with these four small methods.

    The breeding method of June snow is easy to raise and beautiful with these four small methods.

    June snow is a high ornamental value of flowers and plants, June snow Phnom Penh green leaves, give people a kind of refreshing feeling, especially when it blossoms in June, such as snow, hot summer snow all over the sky, it is peaceful and comfortable, today.

  • When does June snow usually blossom? How to breed it?

    When does June snow usually blossom? How to breed it?

    June snow generally blossoms small white flowers, the tree is the smallest and the branches are sparse. Like light shade, afraid of the sun, there are many under the leaves and trees in the mountains. Spring planting, or Huangmei rain cutting, it is appropriate to pour shallow tea. So when does June snow usually blossom? How to raise it?

  • Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

    Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June

    Production and maintenance of snow bonsai in June
